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Discover your potential with Elke Preuss ✨

By: Elke Preuss, Strategic Thought Partner, Key&Spark

When I was 12 years old, I had a sports accident and was given the prognosis that I would likely be in a wheelchair by the time I turned 40.

At 12 years old, I made the decision to use the 28 years until then to prepare myself for this situation.
It was a false prognosis that never came true, but it changed my thinking and actions.

I created the person I wanted to be at 40, regardless of how I moved around.

The "wheelchair in my mind" made my thinking boundless.
As a coach, it allows me to create larger spaces.
This unleashes and greatly promotes the process of change for my clients.

It also makes them believe that they can break through their limits - and they progress faster and further than they originally thought.
THINK BIG - it's not for everyone, and I'm not for everyone.
For those who are ready, it's a turbocharger.

Are you ready to unleash your full potential?
Have the courage to become who you are.

Let's get started, the time is now. 
Send me a DM and we'll find out what's possible for you.