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Happy - Compassionate Holidays!

By: Dana Poul-Graf, Founder & Strategic Thought Partner, Key&Spark

As this year comes to a close, our hearts are heavy with the many tragic events, including yesterday's unprecedented mass shooting at a university in Czechia. Our thoughts go out to all the victims and their families and everyone going through any harrowing events in the world. In these challenging times, we are reminded of the importance of resilience and the need to persevere in our higher ideals.

As we reflect on the year gone by, let us also reflect on the values we hold dear and the principles we instill in our children and young adults. May we teach them compassion, focus on mental and physical well-being, and strive for a better society.

Though it's difficult to wish 'Happy Holidays' in the face of such sorrow, we do so as a symbol of resilience, renewed optimism, and a commitment to self-compassion. Let's work together towards a more compassionate, value-based, thriving humankind in the new year. ❤🕯