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Happy Holidays!

Dana Poul-Graf, Founder & Strategic Thought Partner, Key&Spark 

As 2024 comes to a close, on behalf of the whole Key&Spark team, I want to express my gratitude to our clients. It is a pleasure to partner with you, and your courage and trust inspire us daily. With every assignment, we grow together, and we couldn’t be more honored to support your business strategy and journeys beyond.

I also want to extend a big thank you to ALL our fantastic business partners, especially: 
Elke Preuss, Frida Roberts, Julie Tunador CCHt MS, Marco Iezzi, Nina Weisslechner,
and Martin Howlings and the whole amazing - Czech News in English team.

Your collaboration and vision have been key to making this year successful and fun!

I am optimistic about 2025 and can't wait for many more meaningful assignments and partnerships. ✨