- What’s a typical situation you help leaders with?
Although my background is in corporate communications, I’ve spent most of my career in IT, providing communication-related support to leaders responsible for implementing large-scale change or transformation within their organizations. I provide strategic guidance in preparing and then aligning their organizations for change, as well as tactical help supporting the people and teams affected.
Typically, the programs I work on involve the roll out of new IT systems, processes and technologies affecting tens of thousands of people, ranging from end users, support staff and the managers trying to make it all happen.
- What is unique about your work with clients?
Having a dedicated communications function to support change and transformation programs is still not very common, even among large organizations, so the services I provide are still quite niche. That said, leaders are increasingly attuned to the importance of communications and can understand the value that my skills and experience can bring to their initiatives.
I think the fact that I offer a tried-and-tested system to help leaders communicate change within their organization is also unique. Through close cooperation, leaders can rely on me not only to execute a comms strategy with a steady hand, but also to offer them another way to really put their own mark on a program.
My cooperation with Dana and the rest of the Key and Spark team is another area that I feel brings our clients special value. Dana’s experience as a senior executive ensures a 365° perspective over the programs that we support. Key and Spark also has an extensive network of professionals and specialists that I can leverage when needed to ensure leaders have full support as they guide their organizations through periods of change.
- What triggers your spark and motivation?
There are a couple of moments that motivate me to deliver great work. The first is when I present a strategy, communication plan or concept to a client and see their excitement and enthusiasm for the proposal. Change communications isn’t rocket science, but a fair bit of thinking goes into what I do, so it’s always satisfying to have a client recognize that.
And of course, arriving at the end of a long program and seeing the results of my work is hugely motivating. It is rarely easy to convince people to adopt a new way of working. But seeing how my work helps teams and individuals understand, prepare for, and finally adapt to a large-scale – and often disruptive – change is worth all the hard work.
Finally, I really enjoy being part of a team and appreciate the chance to build relationships with colleagues during a challenging project or initiative. It’s quite a satisfying part of every program I work on.
Do you have questions you’d like to ask Andrew? Write him on andrew@keyandspark.com